Health and wellness nerd.
Yoga instructor.
Mental health warrior.
Cancer Survivor/Thriver.
Human being.

Heidi Lockhart

Heidi Lockhart, M.A., IHP 2

Dedicated to helping others transform and succeed, I worked in higher education administration for more than three decades guiding students and staff in their educational and professional careers. A self-described, lifelong health and wellness nerd, I am now guiding clients as an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP) in finding vibrant mental and physical health through customized, nutritious food choices, movement, de-stressing, positive mindset, removing toxicities and replenishing deficiencies.

An avid road cyclist and hiker, I first found yoga when my usual exercise routine did not ease my anxiety-laden depression and calm my Type A, perfectionist tendencies. Amazed by yoga's impact on my own mind and body, I knew I had to share this amazing tool with others and became a yoga instructor. Nearly a decade later, yoga, meditation and a healthy lifestyle made a significant difference in my healing and recovery as a breast cancer survivor/thriver.

Personally, I’ve overcome cancer, depression and anxiety, heavy metal and mold toxicities and more thanks to discovering root causes, eliminating those toxicities, supplementing any deficiencies, mindful movement, delicious healthy food choices, and positive mindset. I am passionate about helping you make progress in alleviating your low mood, depression, anxiety and low energy and helping you establish healthy, lifelong habits. I help you take it step-by-step, building a foundation through progress, not absolute perfection. I look forward to guiding you through their own personal health transformation.

Certifications and Degrees:

  • Integrative Health Practitioner Level 1

  • Integrative Health Practitioner Level 2

    • At Home Health Testing Specialization

    • Detoxification Specialization

    • Digestive Health Specialization

    • Female Hormone Health Specialization

    • Thyroid Health Specialization

    • Weight Loss Specialization

  • Certified Yoga Instructor with additional studies in restorative yoga and yoga for mood, depression and anxiety

  • B.A, Communication Studies

  • M.A., Organizational Communication

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